Superhero HQ!
We were very excited to make a Superhero Headquarters, having spent a long time talking about Batman, Superman, Spider Man, Super Girl and playing superhero role play outside.
Vito told his friends that Superheroes always have dens… so we decided to make a den using an A Frame and decorating it…

We love the book “There are no cats in this book” in Nursery.
Andre, Moonpie and Tiny were invited to tea with Daddy, Mummy and Baby Bear by one of our Nursery children. Gingerbread people and currant buns were on the menu, and an amazing original story was created by a Nursery star!
We have…

A few of our favourite things…
Our favourite song in Nursery ‘5 currant bun’s led to baking buns and currant buns. But then Lucas wondered if the currant buns would run away like the gingerbread man did. We ate our currant buns very quickly!
But guess what? The small gingerbread man ran away!