Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is funding directed to schools specifically to support pupils who are looked after by the Local Authority, children of armed forces families and children who are, or have been, in receipt of free school meals.

Our school is committed to supporting all pupils but especially those pupils who are deemed to be at a disadvantage educationally.

We have a good track record of supporting pupils who need that support the most and we will continue to target this funding at areas of disadvantage to ensure that all children can achieve.

Please see the following documents to see:

  • how much money our school is allocated
  • a summary of the main barriers to educational achievement faced by eligible pupils at our school
  • how we will spend the money to address these barriers and the reasons for this approach
  • how we will measure impact and review these strategies

Pupil Premium Statement

Updated: 15/01/2025 375 KB

The school receives additional funding called Pupil Premium based on the number of children registered for Free School Meals. To apply for this, please complete the application form via the following Link: