Please find below a diverse range of safeguarding resources which may be of use:

Our school DSL is Mrs Claire Thomas who can be contacted at or by popping into school anytime. 


  Whatsapp Parent Guide
  Facebook Parent Guide
  NSPCC Share Aware
  Instagram Parent Guide
  NSPCC Net Aware
  Minecraft Parent Guide
  ooVoo Parent Guide
  Blackpool Safeguarding
  Sleepover Leaflet - Lancashire Fire & Rescue
  Every Child Matters
  YouTube Safety Mode
  Parent Info from CEOP
  Mobile Web Safety Guide
  UK Safer Internet Centre
  DfE Tackling Abuse Flyer
  Fact Sheet - Sexting
  Vodafone Advice Centre
  Children in Care Fact Sheet - Finance
  Let's Talk About It
  Children in Care Fact Sheet - Pathways to Success
  Childnet International
  Psychoactive Substances Fact Sheet
  Pokemon GO Parents Guide
  FGM Mandatory Reporting
  Pace UK (CSE)
  Spot the signs for Parents/Carers (CSE)
  Keep Them Safe (CSE)
  Sexual Exploitation Guide for Young People
  Safeguarding in Sport
  FCAT Safeguarding Board
  You vs Train - Trespassing

  NSPCC - Parent Controls 


  Internet Matters - Online Safety  Resources


    CAMHS Resources - support for parents