Love is in the air!
One of our Nursery children had a Valentine’s present for her true love so there was lots of interest in making cards for the people we love.
Mummy, Daddy and Chase from Paw Patrol were the most popular choices!
Just in case you are wondering our young love pair made a card for each other. I…

There’s broccoli in my ice cream!
Our new book for February was called “There’s Broccoli in my ice cream!” The book is all about trying different food. So we tried some broccoli and carrots, and very surprisingly lots of children liked it! ” I like school broccoli” was my favourite comment!

Longer and longer…
We have been using the word longer this week. Mrs Brown had a tape measure that just kept going longer and longer and longer! it reached from one end of the room to the other! We have explored how long some snakes are, and we’ve been using sticks to find something longer than it.
We have been putting our coats on ourselves in Nursery, and helping to turn sleeves the right way around, as well as asking for help fastening saying ” Can you help please?”
But now it’s time for the next step….. can you support your child in learning to fasten their coat all by…
Chinese New Year
We has fortune cookies in Nursery this morning. We had to snap open the biscuit, and inside was a special message. Fame and fortune will soon be on its way for some.
There has been a lot of interest in speaking Chinese, and Chinese writing. can your child remember how to say hello?

Whatever Next!
We’re created plans of a rocket, and now we are building rockets. After watching rockets taking off and landing on the moon NASA needs to prepare for some new engineers from Blackpool. We have learned so many new words already this year, and know what near and far means.